Seminar Laurez Maya

Laurez Maya will give in room E001 and on Teams a seminar entitled: Pore-scale simulations of particles clogging in pourous media


This seminar will talk about the problem that occurs during the operation of a groundwater source heate pump, when the recharging process will contribute to the impairement of soil permeability. Then a coupling coomputational fluid dynamics and discrete element method (CFD-DEM) was used to investigate particles clogging on a single pore. First of all we used the unresolved CFD-DEM coupling method implemented in OpenFOAM as DPMFoam solver, which figure out the weakness of the method to deal with particle's diameter bigger than the cell size. For us to simulate particle tracking on all the domain of our pore with non-uniform grid resolution, we focus on a new developped coupling method which carry both of the unresolved and resolved CFD-DEM coupling method, on which further we added adhesive and repulsive forces to ensure particles migration and deposition.