The research unit director (DU) and his / her deputies are jointly appointed by a common decision from the supervisory bodies, after consulting their statutory authority and the laboratory council. Two deputy-DUs assist the director in his missions.

The DU scientifically represents ISTO towards third parties and leads it according to the guidelines defined by the supervisory authorities and validated by the HCERES committee. The DU manages all financial and material resources available to ISTO and also validates all assignment of staff to the institutions, all allocations of material resources, as well as all means allocated by third parties to members of ISTO. The DU is responsible for the selection of researchers, evaluates the technical and administrative staff, and ensures the safety of agents under his authority.

DU-deputies have full authority for all acts of management, and the administrative manager also has the delegation of signature. The managerial team meets every Monday.


The steering committee is made up of the managerial team, the heads of the research teams (GPs), the heads of the platforms, and the head of the IA-LABEX and IA-EQUIPEX projects. It meets on the first Monday of each month. The meetings are intended to foster mutual information and exchange, but they are above all a forum for strategic reflection and validation of operational decisions. The managers explain their needs, while the management details its orientations, for shared decisions.

DU : Lionel Mercury
Office R001, ground floor university bldg.

Marie-Noelle Pailhès
Office R002, ground floor university bldg.

DU-deputy : Caroline Martel
Office R005, ground floor university bldg.

DU-deputy : Mohamed Azaroual
Office R003, ground floor university bldg.