Third edition of the GRANITES school:
November 15th-18th 2022, Amphithéâtre OSUC, 1A rue de la Ferollerie, 45100 Orléans

The scientific objective of the workshop will be to review the magmatic processes that lead to the formation of ore and its enrichment in economic elements, with emphasis on the role of volatiles in these processes.
It will present the different approaches (field, experimentation, modeling) deployed to study metallogenic processes in a magmatic environment. Particular attention will be paid to the coupling of the different approaches. The role of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition and of high temperature fluids in these volatile-rich systems will also be presented, with a focus on identifying the methods available to characterize them.
This workshop will be hosted at the Earth Sciences Institute of Orléans, with an organization involving the University of Orleans, BRGM and CNRS. The target audience includes PhD students, post-docs, researchers and engineers.
The program will be declined in 4 sessions of interventions by specialists of :
- mafic and ultramafic magmas
- felsic magmas (rare metal granites and pegmatites)
- alkaline magmas and carbonatites
- magmatic-hydrothermal transition
The confirmed speakers are : Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer (GeoRessources Nancy), Nicholas Arndt (ISTerre Grenoble), Christophe Ballouard (GeoRessources Nancy), Cyril Chelle-Michou (ETH Zurich), Guillaume Estrade (GET Toulouse), Eric Gloaguen (BRGM-ISTO), Giada Iacono-Marziano (ISTO Orléans), Marion Louvel (ISTO Orléans), Fleurice Parat (Géosciences Montpellier), Johann Tuduri (BRGM). Others are to be confirmed.
A visit of the ISTO experimental platform will be proposed to the participants with a presentation of the research conducted at ISTO on the workshop themes. Participants will be encouraged to present their research in the form of a poster or flash talk. A concluding discussion will summarize the current research on metallogenic processes in magmatic environments and the main scientific challenges to be met, with the aim of encouraging a shared reflection on future research directions.
Scientific Committee:
Giada IACONO MARZIANO, Stanislas SIZARET, Fabrice GAILLARD, Laurent ARBARET, Marion LOUVEL (ISTO), Jérémie MELLETON (BRGM), Anne Sylvie MAYER-ANDRE (GeoRessources), Michel GREGOIRE (GET), Didier LAPORTE (LMV)
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