Sophie Roman

Statut : Permanent, emploi : Enseignant-chercheur
Bâtiment : CNRS, bureau 223
MC, Université d'Orléans

Email :
Téléphone : 02 38 25 50 26

Grand progamme : Géosciences pour l'énergie et l'environnement


I am interested in understanding the underlying physics of multiphase flows in porous media that is of great importance in many areas of applied science and engineering including hydrogeology, reservoir engineering, and CO2 sequestration.

I conducted my PhD at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, where I focused on the experimental study of flow of concentrated suspensions of red blood cells in microchannels. Then, I joined the Laboratoire Charles Coulomb in Montpellier for 6 months where I worked on the fabrication of micro-devices for nanofluidics based on carbon nanotubes. From 2013 to 2017 I worked at Stanford University with Prof. Kovscek on the experimental study of multiphase flow in micromodels (i.e. at the pore-scale). In particular, I developed a micro-PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) setup that allows us to measure velocity field in complex porous media at the pore-scale. With this setup we were able to observe complex interface dynamics at the pore scale that motivate further measurement of multiphase fluid movement. I am also interested in reactive transport.

I joined the Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans as an associate professor in 2017, I am part of the Porous Media group.

For more details about my ongoing research:, about my publications:


My teachings at the Observatoire des Sciences de L’Univers en région Centre (OSUC) includes: Hydrogeology, Reactive transport, Geochemistry of natural waters, Hydrogeochemistry.


2017-                    Associate Professor, Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans.

2016-2017           Research Scientist, Stanford University (CA, USA).

2013-2016           Postdoc, Stanford University (CA, USA).

2013                     Postdoc, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (Montpellier, France)

2009-2012           PhD student, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (France).


2012      PhD in Fluids Dynamics from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse.

2009      Master of Science in Bioscience Engineering, Institute of Biosciences of Paris.


Roman S., Abu AlSaud M., Tokunage T., Wan J., Tchelepi H., Kovscek A, Measurements and simulation of liquid films during drainage displacements and snap-off in constricted capillary tubes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 507: 279-289, 2017

Soulaine C., Roman S., Kovscek A., Tchelepi H., Mineral dissolution and wormholing from a pore-scale perspective, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 827: 457-483, 2017.

Yun W., Ross C. M., Roman S., Kovscek A. R., Creation of a dual-porosity micromodel with improved realism in both pore structure and flow behavior for the study of immiscible flow in complex porous media, Lab on a Chip, 8, 2017.

Roman S., Soulaine C., Abu AlSaud M, Kovscek A., Tchelepi H., Particle Velocimetry Analysis of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Micromodels, Advances in Water Resources, 95: 199-211, 2016.

Roman S., Merlo A., Duru P., Risso F., Lorthois S., Going beyond 20 micrometer-sized channels for studying red blood cell phase separation in microfluidic bifurcations, Biomicrofluidics, 10:3, 2016.

Yazda K., Roman S., Tahir S., Henn F. and Jourdain V., Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices for the study of Ion transport through Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, MRS Advances, 1(28): 2085–2090, 2016.

Soulaine C., Gjetvaj F., Garing C., Roman S., Russian A., Gouze P., Tchelepi H., The Impact of Sub-Resolution Porosity of X-ray Microtomography Images on the Permeability, Transport in Porous Media, 113: 227, 2016.

Roman S., Lorthois S., Duru P., Risso F., Velocimetry of red blood cells in microvessels by the dual slit method: effect of velocity gradients, Microvascular Research: 84: 249-261, 2012.

Campagnolo L., Roman S., Perchoux J., Lorthois S., A new optical feedback interferometer for measuring red blood cell velocity distributions in individual capillaries: a feasibility study in microchannels, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: 15-S1: 104-105, 2012.

Moravec F., Roman S., Numerical computing of elastic homogenized coefficients for periodic fibrous tissue, Applied and Computational Mechanics 3: 141-152, 2009.

Nakib A., Roman S., Oulhadj H., Siarry P., Fast brain MRI segmentation based on two-dimensional survival exponential entropy and particule swarm optimization, Conference proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 5563–5566, 2007.