Séminaire Sophie Roman

Sophie Roman donnera un séminaire intitulé : What is diffusiophoresis, and why do we care?
Vous l'aurez compris, ce séminaire traitera de la diffusiophorèse, le phénomène au coeur du projet TRACE-it, pour lequel Sophie Roman a décroché une bourse ERC.

Vous pouvez rejoindre ce séminaire en E007 ou en ligne avec le lien ci-dessous.

Fluid and particle flow occurs in the presence of various driving forces, including pressure, gravity, or electric potential. There is, however, a less known transport mechanisms, due to a chemical potential gradient, called diffusiophoresis. Diffusiophoretic transport of charged particles is driven by chemical concentration gradients of solute without application of any outside force. In this talk, I will discuss about the history, mechanisms, and consequences of diffusiophoresis. I will show how diffusiophoresis influences different fields: to wash out dirt and strains on fabric, for oil recovery, or for particle sorting. Finally, I will discuss how diffusiophoresis opens the way for enhanced transport of colloids in geological environments.