Séminaire de mi-thèse Jonas Biren

Le séminaire de mi-thèse de Jonas Biren se tiendra le 14 octobre à 10h en salle E001. Venez nombreux !


Title: In situ study of radiative properties of dry and crystal rich magmas.

Abstract: Temperature is a key parameter controlling the evolution of lava flows. The hazardous behavior of eruptions prevents however direct measurements of hot magmatic bodies. Hence, the temperature of magma is mostly retrieved by using non-contact methods (ground-based or satellite-based thermal cameras) based on measuring the infrared (IR) emission flux (E) of the body [1]. These well-established techniques are however subjected to important errors, ±100 K, related to surrounding environment [2], large temperature gradients of cooling lavas [3], constant changes in composition and texture and especially an apparent lack of radiative emission properties during the lava emplacement. Despite that reducing the uncertainties of environmental and thermal gradients when measuring E is ultimately challenging, this study aimed to minimizing the uncertainty in one of the critical hitherto poorly known and oversimplified parameters [3,4,5] namely spectral emissivity. Therefore, we performed optical measurements at relevant magmatic temperatures (up to 1600 K) of representative basaltic dry magmas (from Bardarbunga, Fasnia, Juan de Fuca). Spectral Emissivity has been systematically determined over a wide spectral (400-15000 cm-1) and thermal range (from room up to 1600 K) using a non-contact in situ IR emissivity apparatus [6]. SEM, EMPA, Raman µ-spectroscopy, DSC, TEM and XRD techniques were also used in order to characterize and understand the complex radiative behavior of these natural magmatic compositions. Emissivity varies accordingly with temperature and wavenumber but our results also show that structural and chemical modifications of bulk-rock composition produce drastic changes in emissivity at given T, with iron content and its oxidation state being the main agents controlling this property. In future, the measured emissivity values will then be used to refine current field or (space) satellite IR monitoring data (i.e. Bardarbunga 2014-2015; [3]) and to implement the thermo-rheological models of lava flows [7] as to support hazard assessment and risk mitigation.

References: [1] Kolzenburg et al. 2017. Bull. Volc. 79:45. [2] Ball and Pinkerton 2006. J. Geophys.Res., 111. [3] Aufaristama et al. 2018. Remote Sens. 10, 151 [4] Harris, A. 2013: Cambridge University press. 728. [5] Rogic et al. 2019 Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 662 [6] De Sousa Meneses et al. 2015. Infrared Physics & Technology 69. [7] Ramsey et al. 2019. Annals of Geophysics, 62, 2.

Keywords: Spectral Emissivity, Temperature, Basalt, Crystallization, Remote Sensing